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Lingui CLI

@lingui/cli manages locales, extracts messages from source files into message catalogs and compiles message catalogs for production use.


  1. Install @lingui/cli as a development dependency:

    npm install --save-dev @lingui/cli @babel/core
  2. Add following scripts to your package.json:

    "scripts": {
    "extract": "lingui extract",
    "compile": "lingui compile"

Global options

--config <config>

Path to LinguiJS configuration file. If not set, the default file is loaded as described in LinguiJS configuration reference.



lingui extract [files...]
[--format <format>]
[--locale <locale>]
[--convert-from <format>]
[--watch [--debounce <delay>]]

This command extracts messages from source files and creates a message catalog for each language using the following steps:

  1. Extract messages from all *.jsx? files inside srcPathDirs
  2. Merge them with existing catalogs in localeDir (if any)
  3. Write updated message catalogs to localeDir


Filters source paths to only extract messages from passed files. For ex:

lingui extract src/components

Will extract only messages from src/components/**/* files, you can also pass multiple paths.

It's useful if you want to run extract command on files that are staged, using for example husky, before commiting will extract messages from staged files:

"husky": {
"hooks": {
"pre-commit": "lingui extract $(git diff --name-only --staged)"


Remove obsolete messages from catalogs. Message becomes obsolete when it's missing in the source code.


Update translations for sourceLocale from source.

--format <format>

Format of message catalogs (see format option).

--locale <locale>

Only extract data for the specified locale.

--convert-from <format>

Convert message catalogs from previous format (see format option).


Prints additional information.


Watch mode.

Watches only for changes in files in paths defined in config file or in the command itself.

Remember to use this only in development as this command do not clean obsolete translations.

--debounce <delay>

Debounce, when used with --debounce <delay>, delays extraction for <delay> milliseconds, bundling multiple file changes together.


lingui extract-template [--verbose]

This command extracts messages from source files and creates a .pot template file.


Prints additional information.


lingui compile
[--format <format>]
[--namespace <namespace>]
[--watch [--debounce <delay>]]

This command compiles message catalogs in localeDir and outputs minified JavaScript files. The produced file is basically a string which is parsed into a plain-JS object using JSON.parse.

The produced output has this shape:

export const messages=JSON.parse(`{
// object with keys (translation ids) and values (translations)


Overwrite translations for source locale from source.


Fail if a catalog has missing translations.

--format <format>

Format of message catalogs (see format option).


Prints additional information.


Specify namespace for compiled message catalogs (also see compileNamespace for global configuration).


Is the same as using compileNamespace with the value "ts". Generates a {compiledFile}.d.ts and the compiled file is generated using the extension .ts


Watch mode.

Watches only for changes in locale files in your defined locale catalogs. For ex. locales\en\messages.po

--debounce <delay>

Debounce, when used with --debounce <delay>, delays compilation for <delay> milliseconds, to avoid compiling multiple times for subsequent file changes.

Further reading